Fred Rogers once told about the anxiety he felt as a child whenever he saw stories of natural disasters on the TV news.  His mother would calm him with the words, “Look for the helpers.  Every time there is a calamity, people come to help.  Look for the helpers.”  This would reassure him that there was hope.  Life was not totally bleak or terrifying.  It taught him to look for the good, to focus on gratitude instead of fear.

We see trouble and chaos all over the world today.  Natural disasters, crime, oppression, human trafficking, homelessness.  It’s easy to feel cynical or hopeless.  Let’s remember those words, “Look for the helpers.”  Even better let’s BE the helpers.  We can focus on gratitude instead of fear.

Begin with your neighborhood.  Is there someone you can help?  Do you have a neighbor with limited mobility who could use some help in getting their mail, removing snow, picking up clutter in their yard?  Is there a caregiver in your neighborhood?  Do you know someone with a disabled family member who struggles to find a way to run errands?  Could you become a friend to stay with the bedridden spouse or child with severe disabilities so the caregiver can leave the house for an hour or so?  How can you be the helper in your neighborhood?

Then move to your community and look for the helpers.  How can you support them?  What organizations are already in place?  They rely on volunteers.  Meals on Wheels needs volunteer drivers.  Look for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in your area.  Take their training.  Join the local team.    

Find a cause you feel passionate about.  Does the thought of human trafficking bring a sickening feeling to you?  There are many groups such as Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) that are dedicated to rescuing these children.  Connect with them and learn how you can help.  Does the thought of families living on the street tear at your heart?  Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization with a proven plan for providing a hand up, not a hand out.  Families learn to become self-sufficient.  Can’t find an organization devoted to serving your passionate cause?  Find like minded individuals and start one.

We can all bring light to the world by focusing on gratitude, not fear.  Look for the helpers.  And more importantly, be a helper.     

Look for the Helpers
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