Laura Cooley
How can you teach your children to accept other cultures? This was the question that faced Laura Cooley. She knew she wanted to raise compassionate children. She had grown up in New Jersey, where she had interacted with many different cultures and learned to appreciate them. When she found herself as a single mother raising two sons in Idaho, she realized they were not having the same experience. Idaho is not as culturally diverse as New Jersey.
She wanted her sons to learn tolerance and inclusiveness organically, just by interacting with people of different cultures. She decided the best way to raise compassionate children was through travel. Even though, as she describes it, she didn’t have two nickels to rub together, she decided to make it happen.
Her mother had grown up in Costa Rica and had always talked about how beautiful it was there, so that was their first destination. Laura describes her experience of traveling as a single mom with two young sons. She found support and help from strangers wherever she went. Her children witnessed examples of compassion and were able to give back as they made humanitarian service part of their travel experience.
She now has two adult sons who are compassionate human beings. She tells about the loving card she received from one of her sons thanking her and stating, “You showed us the world and taught us compassion.”
Laura and her sons continue their travel and humanitarian efforts. They are leaving a legacy of service.
Learn more about Laura Cooley and her adventures on her Facebook page.
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