Make the most of your children’s summer vacation from school by having the structure and supervision in place that allows you to reach your goals for them.
Which Accommodations and Modifications Are Best for Your Child?
If your child is on a 504 or IEP, you have probably heard about accommodations and modifications. An accommodation changes how your child learns the material, such as listening to an audio recording in addition to or instead of reading.
The Elephant in the Room
Welcome to In Support of Families. This is Emmalou Penrod. There are many ways to raise children. In an earlier blog, I wrote about various parenting styles. In addition to various styles, children can be raised by one parent, two
Communicating With Your Child’s School
When you send your child to be educated by someone else, you form a partnership with them. It will benefit your child if it is a productive partnership, because that allows the focus to remain on the child, not the
What Is the Parent’s Role in Education?
In colonial America, parents were the primary providers of their childrens education. They hired tutors, if they could afford it, or taught their children themselves, if they were literate. Even after townships began providing a community school, parents formed the
Homework, Whose Responsibility Is It?
Parents are responsible to provide for their childrens basic needs. They provide food, shelter, nurturing and structure. When it comes to homework, parents provide a time and place for homework and any necessary materials. They sit down with their children
The One Person You Can Control
Parents are often admonished, especially in public by strangers, that they should control their children. Society holds parents responsible for the actions of their children. If a child breaks something in a store, the parents are expected to pay for
Next Level Improv, Teaching Students Confidence
Julie talks about how she got into improv and how you can use it to gain confidence, heal past trauma, and re-create yourself. Learn more about Julie and her book at her website.