Shannon Shepherd, APPAC Are we allowing cultural bias to affect our health decisions? Shannon Shepherd, Certified Placenta Arts Specialist, provides some valuable information in this episode. She explains the benefits of placenta encapsulation, or consuming the placenta, for new mothers.
Rewire Your Brain for Self Mastery
How can we rewire our brain for self-mastery? Dr. Alok Trivedi, health and human behavior expert, founder of Aligned Performance Institute, and author of Chasing Success, shares his insights in this episode. He also talks about the Lotus Foundation, a
The Value of Identity
How do you instill such a strong sense of identity in your children that they can withstand the taunts of others and remain true to their values? Diane Tatum, mom, business owner, entrepreneur, flight attendant and globe trotter, tells us
How Hypnosis Can Make You an Even Better Parent
Hypnosis and Parenting? It is a more natural combination than may appear at first glance. Parenting is the most challenging thing you will ever do. It will require all of your emotional and mental resources, and a major investment
Power Parents
Parenting is one of the most demanding responsibilities anyone will have as an adult. They are not only responsible for the physical care of another human being, but they are programming their children’s minds. Everything they say to their children