Welcome to In Support of Families.  This is Emmalou Penrod. I have been passionate about education since I was a young girl, lining up my dolls to play school.  I have always enjoyed learning. I remember that I couldn’t wait to go to school and felt it was so unfair when my older siblings got to go to school and I was still too young.  I was so excited to start Kindergarten and go to this magical place where there were so many books and you got to learn and play all day.

I realize not every child feels that way about school.  Some may be excited with this new adventure in the beginning, but then encounter some negative experience that changes their mind.  School can be a harrowing experience when you have challenges like a learning disability, ADHD, Autism, or a mood disorder. I raised a son with ADHD.  School was a struggle for him. He was bright and could learn facts quickly, but he had altercations with teachers that left deep emotional scars. He faced rejection from his peers and often felt bullied.  

Is your child on an IEP or 504?  Are they being motivated and inspired at school. . . or can you see signs that their natural love of learning is being crushed?  Are teachers responsive to your concerns? Do you ever worry that your child may not be in a safe environment?

I wrote the book, Navigating the Educational System, 5 Strategies to Get the Best for Your Child, based on my experience as a homeschool parent, 6th grade charter school teacher, public high school special ed teacher, private school teacher and academic advisor.  I became a homeschool parent when we decided the local public school was not a good option for our children and we didn’t have any other options. I learned and grew so much as a homeschool parent and cherish the memory of those years.  Eventually, we did find a suitable school setting for our children, although there were still challenges. I did all I could to communicate with the school as openly as I could.

I felt drawn to special education as I took those courses in college, because of the potential I saw for individualized instruction.  I welcomed the idea of working more closely with parents, who knew and understood their children better than anyone else. I wanted to be able to focus on one student at a time.  I completed my special education endorsement as part of my Bachelor of Science degree.

I was also intrigued with the concept of charter schools and how they could be held accountable to an established set of standards and provide the flexibility of having an area of focus.  It also appealed to me that not only did they welcome parental involvement, but relied on it. I made it a career goal to teach at a charter school and thoroughly enjoyed the high energy level of a charter school with a focus on World Languages where I taught Language Arts, using the same program I had used as a homeschool parent.

My last employer was Heritage Schools, Inc., a nationally recognized residential treatment center for adolescents.  This is where I received the best training on working with students with special needs of my career. When I first started working at Heritage, I taught students with a variety of mental health challenges, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive, Oppositional Defiant, depression, and other mood disorders.  During my time there, the school transitioned into specializing in serving students with Autism and Mood Disorders. I worked with some of the most outstanding professionals in the field of residential treatment.

I’ve had some exciting experiences as a special ed teacher, teaching students to believe in themselves and encouraging them in their efforts to overcome challenges.  I’ve been part of some amazing miracles in student achievement when parents and school personnel were able to form a synergistic team, and I have witnessed the consequences when they weren’t and communication broke down.  In a contest of adult egos, the student loses. I am committed to serving parents of children with special needs and helping them to secure the best education possible for their children. I am familiar with the IEP process and I am a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA).

You may have tried more than one school, only to experience a negative result.  Maybe you’ve been burnt by educators who failed to show the kindness and respect that all human beings deserve.  I recently found out that my son’s sixth grade teacher called him “stupid” in front of his 6th grade class. When he responded with, “Oh, just shut up.” he was severely punished and forced to apologize to her.  As his parents, we were not contacted by the school during any of this process. You may feel that no school will work for your child. It has been my experience that the right approach with the right school for the unique needs of your child will yield positive results.  I can guide you through that process.

In my book I talk about how each child is unique.  Your child is NOT the same as any other child, even if they have the same diagnoses.  I guide parents through a process of identifying the unique needs of their child, how they learn, what motivates them, and how to use this information to identify the right school setting for them and communicating effectively with school personnel for the benefit of their child.

Obviously, just reading a book won’t solve all of your problems.  You will need to take action. I outline the steps needed to review your options and make your choice.  I have also written a workbook of questions to ask, with space for the answers, as you consider your options and how you can work with your child’s school to enhance their academic experience.

We all know being a parent isn’t easy.  It is especially challenging when your child is not learning like most children, when they learn and think differently.  It may seem overwhelming to try to communicate with a system that can present as a manufacturing plant, producing duplicate copies of educated students.  However, when you understand the process, you know how to simplify it. I can help you with that.

I know education, which includes learning outside of a traditional setting, has the power to change lives.  I know any child can learn and progress when they are in the best environment for their learning style and parents and educational professionals work together to focus on the best interests of the student.  I am committed to reaching out to as many parents as I can. That’s why I wrote the book.  I am offering my book FREE with shipping. I want to get this information out to as many parents as possible. I am offering a copy of my book and a free pdf of my Workbook, which you can use to guide you through the process of identifying the best school setting for your child.  Please go to my website, insupportoffamilies.com/book to get the details.

I invite you to take the first step in getting the best education possible for your child.  To learn more, go to insupportoffamilies.com/book

This is Emmalou Penrod, have a great day!

The Education Best Suited to Your Child’s Needs

One thought on “The Education Best Suited to Your Child’s Needs

  • May 4, 2018 at 7:22 pm

    I am the son spoken of called stupid by my 6th grade teacher. I hadn’t thought about it in years, and was surprised to hear that my parents never heard about it. I certainly remembered it at the time, and the office was involved as well. Nobody listened to my side at the time. Perhaps that’s why it’s so important to learn about these systems and how to best interact with them. You’ll never know what you are missing.


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