Helen Keller is an example of a child with special needs. Her name is associated with Anne Sullivan, her teacher. However, it was Helens mother, Kate Adams Keller, who recognized her daughters unique abilities and challenges and initiated the process
Your Child is Unique
Most parents recognize from the moment they first see their child or hold him or her in their arms that there is no other child in the world like theirs. Parents with more than one child know that, even with
5 Things to Do Before the New School Year
The back-to-school displays are already up in stores nationwide. As a parent of a child with special needs, you have learned that more preparation for the new school year is needed than just stocking up on school supplies. Hopefully by
The Purpose of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
I graduated from high school in 1970. In all my public school years, I did not attend class with a student with a disability. I was made aware of children with Downs Syndrome, physical disabilities, vision or hearing loss by
Is Homeschooling an Option for Your Family?
As our oldest child approached the age of 5 in the early 1980’s, my husband and I began looking at the school he would be attending. We had purchased a house thinking that it was within the boundaries of an
What Does It Mean to Man Up? With Marco Lopez
We’re all aware that the man has a pivotal role in a marriage and in family dynamics. When we hear about men “manning up”, it doesn’t mean they have to literally stop crying. Manning up means strengthening emotional control
What Is the Least Restrictive Environment for Your Child?
In your childs IEP meetings, you have most likely heard the term the least restrictive environment used when talking about your childs placement. This is referring to whether they stay in the regular classroom with supplementary aids and services or
Your Child’s Nutrition
Anna Smith talks about nutrition and how you can help your child learn to enjoy healthy foods. https://aqualotushealingarts.com/
Voyage Direct Primary Care, Giving Healthcare Back to Families
The government, along with many insurance companies, seem to be pushing families away from seeking care. Taking that back in this episode, we talk about Voyage Direct Primary Care with Dr. John Sanders, a champion for families needing healthcare.
Which Accommodations and Modifications Are Best for Your Child?
If your child is on a 504 or IEP, you have probably heard about accommodations and modifications. An accommodation changes how your child learns the material, such as listening to an audio recording in addition to or instead of reading.