It is common for a family to go through challenges.  That is the one constant families can count on.  The list of challenges the Maylins have had to face are similar to any other family, but their response to them is truly noteworthy.  They are an example of resilience and teamwork.




They have maneuvered through more than one cross-country move with all of the chaos and change that brings.





After having two children they experienced several years of infertility and had given upon increasing their family.  They had disposed of all of their baby equipment when they discovered a little one would soon be joining them.

This left them looking like a blended family with teenagers and toddlers, but all four children had the same two parents.

The most impressive thing about the Maylin family is their ability to handle any challenge with courage, commitment, unity and a sense of humor.  Perhaps their greatest challenge came when the youngest member of the family was diagnosed with cancer as a baby.  That was when the whole family had to work together to care for him.

Angela Maylin shares her experiences as the mother of this family and her insights on how they overcame their trials and grew together as a family.

What are some of the trials your family has faced?  What have you learned from them?  Comment below.

Positive Parenting, Overcoming Challenges Together
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