Education has the power to change lives. This is the first in a series on education and how you can be involved to get your child the best education possible. We talk about the Sudbury Model, or student-directed learning and
There Is No One Size Fits All in Education
Kristin Maynes shares her experience with mothering a blended family and finding the best educational fit for children. Visit her website. She is a life coach and can be contacted at
How to Go School Shopping
Most parents spend more time selecting clothing for their children than selecting the right school. Which choice will have the greater impact on the well-being and educational development of your child? With greater school choice than ever before, it’s time
Are Charter Schools the Answer to Education Reform?
A charter school is a public school and receives funding from local, state and federal sources just like any other public school. They are also held by the same mandates and requirements in regards to curriculum, testing, and special education
Accommodations or Change in Academic Setting?
Last week I wrote about accommodations and modifications you can request for your child with special needs. How do you know when your child needs more services than the school provides? When is it time for a change in academic
What Is the Parent’s Role in Education?
In colonial America, parents were the primary providers of their childrens education. They hired tutors, if they could afford it, or taught their children themselves, if they were literate. Even after townships began providing a community school, parents formed the
The Education Best Suited to Your Child’s Needs
Welcome to In Support of Families. This is Emmalou Penrod. I have been passionate about education since I was a young girl, lining up my dolls to play school. I have always enjoyed learning. I remember that I couldn’t wait
School Choice And Why It Matters
Parents are responsible for the education of their children. Our nation was founded at a time when parents had limited support in the discharge of that responsibility. In most communities it rested entirely on their shoulders. Today we have a
You Are the Key to Your Child’s Success in School
As a parent, are you satisfied with your child’s progress in school? Do you feel like you have an active role in your child’s educational experience? Or do you sometimes feel that you have no control over your child’s education?
School Choice
Welcome to In Support of Families. This is Emmalou Penrod and today I’m talking about school choice. Why is it important? To answer that question, I want to give you a brief history lesson. Before we became an independent nation,