Want more tools to help you become the best you can be?  Dorie Olds and I discuss the tools we have found effective.  Visit our websites, School of Creation and Healing Your Families.

Emmalou Penrod
Hello, I am talking to Dorie Olds again today, and we’re talking about the tools for your journey. And I like to think that any techniques or skills you learn that improve the quality of your life are like using tools in a toolbox. And obviously, the more tools you have, and the more familiar you are with them and how to use them, the more successful you’ll be. So Dorie, what would you say is the most important tool to have for your journey?

Dorie Olds
The most important tool to have is yourself, okay? That’s the most important tool is to have yourself and have awareness. There needs to be an awareness within yourself. What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Is this what I want? Am I feeling good? Am I feeling bad? And being aware. It’s like, what do I have now? You got to know where you are. And where do you want to go? And it’s like, what do I want to be feeling? What do I want to be experiencing? Those are two really important keys, where you are now and where you want to go?

Emmalou Penrod
And some of that sounds like being true to yourself.

Dorie Olds
Yes, being honest with yourself, being real with yourself. And looking at different aspects of yourself. For me, I look at myself. I see myself as that divine essence inhabiting a body. This is my vehicle that I’m using the name, the experience, the DNA, I was born into the family. That’s the experience I’m having right now. And I am more than that, I am that essence that is inhabiting the body. And so, looking at it from a number of different aspects of the physical realm, the spiritual realm is important to see. It’s like, who am I? Those important questions that humanity asks, Who am I? Where am I going? What’s really going on here? Why am I here? Those questions are really important questions. And I believe that each one of us has, we’re here for a reason. It’s no accident. What we chose, the DNA, the family, the situations, none of that was accidental. There’s reasons for that, and beginning to understand the reasons, what lessons did I come to learn? What was it I needed to clear, I need to heal in having this situation? And what am I, how am I to get back? It’s like, what am I? What am I wanting, donating? That’s not the right word. But it’s like, what am I here to contribute? Contribute is a better word. What am I here to contribute? What am I here to give? What am I here? And as you start asking those questions, you’ll find there’s this passion inside. And sometimes it’s too big. Sometimes we think, “Oh, no, I can’t do that. Oh, no,” that’s just healing work we need to do because there is some, there’s reasons why you’re here. And there’s reasons why you’re in the exact situation that you’re in. And a lot of times the path that takes us out to where it takes us into healing is what we give to the world, where we help other people do. It’s like our personal journey, is what a lot of times healers end up teaching to others is the journey they were on to heal themselves, which is really interesting.

Emmalou Penrod
And knowing what is our purpose. So we need to start understanding who we are, what is our purpose, and then these other tools are going to help us reach that purpose. Is that how you see it?

Dorie Olds
Yes, and I see a wheel and it’s a wagon wheel. You’ve got a hub in the middle, and then you have these spokes and then a bigger ring. And there are a lot of different tools on that. All those spokes I see as different tools, different aspects. And there are some people who are like, “Oh, do this. This is a better way or do that. That’s the better way.” And they’re not necessarily better or worse, those different techniques that are out there. Because there’s a lot of things out there. But sometimes it’s what’s right for you. It isn’t necessarily that it’s better than another, it’s what’s right for you and finding those spokes on the wheel that are right for you in that moment.

Emmalou Penrod
And right for you at that time.

Dorie Olds
Yeah, and it may be the technique and maybe the teacher may be the person that’s teaching that that you need to be connected with. There’s a lot of choice. There’s a lot of tools out there.

Emmalou Penrod
So let’s talk about those spokes. Now I’m seeing one spoke as being self-hypnosis. For me self-hypnosis is a valuable tool that I like to use every morning as part of my morning routine to help me modify my mindset, get my head ready for the day.

Dorie Olds
I absolutely agree that using that self-hypnosis, and that is something that’s, I won’t say it’s automatic, but it’s a habit. It is one of the first things I turn to. Not habit in the thinking of it or using it but the habit of sorry, not the habit of using it. In the moment, not automatically using it in the moment, but the habit of here’s one of my best tools. And using that everyday. I agree self-hypnosis is really amazing. Because our thoughts and our emotions really do create our experiences. Having that self hypnosis is about thought. Thought does create feeling. So we’ll also work on the feeling and using some emotional techniques. EFT is a great emotional technique. It is something that I think it’s easy to find out about. There’s lots of information on it. You can use it with yourself, having a practitioner. This is where self, doing the self or doing it facilitated, the same thing with hypnosis, you have worth the best choice. Sometimes it’s using it yourself. Sometimes it’s using a facilitated practitioner. But EFT is a really good tool.

Emmalou Penrod
When you say EFT you’re talking about Emotional Freedom Technique. Is that right?

Dorie Olds
I should have explained that, yes. It is Emotional Freedom Technique. There’s the different places on the face, and the shoulders and the arms and the hands that you tap. And as you look at the history of this, it’s quite amazing. The history of it was a chiropractor was doing some testing with different clients to see what points to tap and another gentleman came in and said, “Well, you’re taking a lot of time trying to figure out where the right places to tap are. Why don’t we just tap all the places? And then you don’t have to take that time and you got it solved.” And so that’s when it got put together as all those points. And I don’t know if there’s seven, I can’t remember now how many points. So that’s what happened. And it began. People began to use it more and more because they didn’t have to have that special knowledge of which points, they just could tap each one. And if it didn’t, that one wasn’t activated and didn’t need to be tapped. It wasn’t hurting anything. And all the points got tapped. So you’ve got the right one. So, I think that’s a really good technique.

Emmalou Penrod
Oh, yeah, I’ve used it myself. I know, a lot of other people have used it. It’s that mind body connection. And energy. Everything is energy, we’re made of energy. There are other forms of energy work. You’ve studied others.

Dorie Olds
I love Reiki. I think Reiki is so fabulous. And it is something you can have a practitioner work with you. My passion is to get every person possible to be the practitioner themselves, because self Reiki is awesome. And that’s one of the things I know I can say contributed to my healing. When I would use it every day and myself again, with self hypnosis, self Reiki. And so my goal is to get as many people possible trained in that and so that they have that energy for themselves. That you can, you can use it for yourself. And if you haven’t experienced that, you need to go somewhere. You can go to me if I’m in your area, but there are others that experience it. It’s hard to explain, because the analytical mind doesn’t really know what to do with it. You have to have an experience of it. And to see the power.

Emmalou Penrod
Reiki does need to be done in person, right? Hypnosis, we can do remotely. Reiki needs to be done in person.

Dorie Olds
It doesn’t have to be done in person. You can do distance. And I recommend having a personal experience first, just to see the power of it. And you can, an advanced practitioner can do some healing with you. I do that every day. I have people who contact me and tell me what’s going on. And I send them some Reiki. But it is something that, to get the experience of it, do it in person.

Emmalou Penrod
Okay. Yeah.

Dorie Olds
And there are there are a lot of people out there who do Reiki.

Emmalou Penrod
Yeah. I’ve also used yoga. It’s another Mind-Body connection. I found yoga to be helpful.

Dorie Olds
Yoga is really good because it requires a quality of consciousness in order to go through the different positions. And it is something that strengthens your consciousness, strengthens your awareness. It really is a very, very good tool. I totally agree with that. Yoga is a really amazing.

Emmalou Penrod
Mind and Body. Yeah. What other tools have you found to be effective?

Dorie Olds
Well, I have a technique that I was training called Palm Therapy. And I know there’s a bunch of people in the United States that are trained in it. I’m not sure how many are around. The person who trained me has passed away. And the person who was delegated to carry on with the work lives in Europe. I have a website but I can’t read it because I don’t speak German. I don’t know, in the United States, how many there are. I know there are those here because it was being trained a lot here. But that Palm Therapy is another emotional release technique. It was the technique I used with you. It was very quick. Within about 20 minutes you can have things changed where you were overtaken with an emotion or having something really run you around. And then after a few minutes, you can’t even find the feeling. You can’t even find what it was that was bothering you. So that’s another really great technique. And again, I’m not sure how many are in the United States, but it is out there, and it is a really powerful technique. Do you remember that experience?

Emmalou Penrod
I sure do. And you’re right. It was immediate. It was very effective. And it was simple. As I recall, we just had a few minutes and, and it changed, it has been permanent. I’m able to call on that and bring back that feeling. And it’s, I totally agree. That was awesome.

Dorie Olds
It’s a pretty amazing and I love it so much. I’ve incorporated into my hypnosis and I will usually do it for the procession, I’ll use that because it speeds up the process of healing. And then if anything else shows up, I will incorporate that in the session but it is working with the subconscious mind and I call it a waking hypnosis technique. I call the EFT a waking hypnosis technique, because it’s working with your subconscious mind. It’s changing the subconscious mind. That’s my definition of hypnosis. But you’re in that awake state. You’re not in that deep trance where you’re laying down with your eyes closed, and you’re more aware, yet it is working. And there are other techniques, I know that I’ve had other people come in and tell me other interesting release techniques are out there. So there’s a lot and it’s about just doing the research and seeing what you’re drawn to. Another thing that people focus on is Chakras. With the feelings you’re having, what Chakra is affected? Is there something you can do and study up on the Chakras and look and see what you can do in that area. So there’s a lot of different practitioners, a lot of different techniques, that is you go inside and ask you will be drawn to to what is right for you. You will be drawn to the person and the place. And the technique that, in that moment, that timing is what you need. And that’s what I love about the truth about who each one of us is. We are all connected to that infinite intelligence. We all have those on the other side who are supporting us, rooting for us, supporting us, helping us, and as we become still in trust and know that we can have what we need, and then ask for that, then it comes to us. Rather than being in that anxiety and stress and emotional emotional distress, then nothing comes.

Emmalou Penrod
And you know, even just within the broad category of hypnosis, there are several different techniques and methods. And again, the hypnotist, the practitioner you’re working with is familiar enough, ideally should be familiar enough with you as the client and with the various techniques they have learned to know which ones to use.

Dorie Olds
Yes, that’s correct. And each of us has a different flavor. Each one may have a different area they’ve studied that they’re more an expert in and that’s why I like to have the resources so I can refer if my client needs to go to somewhere else. And I can refer and say, “Here’s where you need to go.” When I have social workers, I have psychologists and people that, sometimes they need to be referred to someone else. And I liked that, lots of resources. There’s lots of really good people out there who are doing good work.

Emmalou Penrod
Yes. And for any individual, the more skills they learn, even if it’s just learning to stop and breathe, sit down and take some deep breaths just to bring down your stress level. The more they learn, the more effective they are. I know in my online parenting class, I cover several techniques parents can use to more effectively manage their own emotional state and to more effectively communicate with their children. And that’s what I tell them, too is just keep adding tools to your toolbox. And I’m sure you know, too, everything that worked perfectly well with one of your children and you try the same thing on the next child and need to go back to the toolbox, find, get more tools.

Dorie Olds
Or tools and one of my favorite tools is the one of them, it was a lot of them are very simple. These things that we’re talking about isn’t necessarily really complicated, is simple, but one of my favorite tools that can be done in the moment, when you’re noticing your thoughts, or maybe negative or you’re feeling stressful or anxious is to use gratitude. Gratitude is so effective.

Emmalou Penrod
Yes, yes. Right.

Dorie Olds
It’s something, finding something to be grateful for, however small. And then even making a list if you need to, and just start that process. And when you go to that gratitude. Well, I say with gratitude is when I’m in gratitude on myself, I feel myself, I feel my true self. When I’m in that gratitude, I think it’s that state that is true to My Divine Self, who I really am. And being able to write down gratitude, have a gratitude journal, there’s lots of people out there talking about gratitude for a reason, because it works because it’s true, because it’s real. And that is something that if you need to help just start thinking or writing down or looking at what am I grateful for? I’m grateful that I can write with my pen. I’m grateful that I have clothes today. I’m grateful I live in this place that’s warm inside, whatever, however small and then you can of course, go to bigger and maybe the people around you, whatever you need to do. But that gratitude is really, really important, especially when you’re finding it hard to find gratitude, that’s when you need to do it the most.

Emmalou Penrod
And along with gratitude, I think there’s appreciating yourself. we can go through our day and maybe 15 things we did well, that everything went just the way it should. And there’s that one hiccup, that one thing where we forgot something, or we made a mistake. And rather than celebrating the 15 things we did well, we harp on that one mistake. And that’s all we think about. We dwell on it. We remind ourselves about it. I think we ought to, we’re always working to become better and improve. But along the way, I think we need to give ourselves credit. Acknowledge when we’ve done something well. And it’s self talk, it’s those things you say to yourself. Pay attention to that. And ask yourself, Would I talk to anybody else like this?

Dorie Olds
That’s true. And the one I call that is self love. And that is something that we really need to learn. Some people come in with a great deal of self love for themselves. And most of the people I know, including myself, have had to learn how to have that self love. And with the EFT technique, one of the things you say to yourself is, “Even though this happened, I unconditionally love and accept myself.” So you could use that tapping for that moment. But you could also just say, “Even though this happened, even though this one mistake happened, or even though I really wish that hadn’t happened,” or whatever word you have, “I conditionally love and accept myself.” And it is a journey to do that, to find that self love. And to eliminate those negative thoughts and eliminate and to neutralize those experiences in our past where someone else didn’t appreciate us, or we felt a little value or a little worth or all of the not good enough, all those things and start neutralizing those and building that base for self love.

Emmalou Penrod
And I think that brings us to another tool. And that’s forgiveness. You know, some people have the mistaken notion that forgiveness means that the offense someone else did is okay. They’re saying, “Oh, that’s fine. It didn’t matter.” But forgiveness is letting go of that burden. Why carry it around? And it applies to forgiveness of yourself, or anyone else. It’s just letting that go. And eliminating that negative from your life, just moving forward.

Dorie Olds
Yeah, I totally agree. Forgiveness is really a great tool, an important tool. And one of the things that you can do with that forgiveness is you can send love to that person. And it may take a little time to get up there with whatever happened, but the being able to say, “No condoning and I send you love. I send you love. I wish you well.” And being able to do that freely is freeing. For me, it’s freeing for the other person and that’s a really great place to be able to do that. It really helps to let go when you can do that, when you can just send them love.

Emmalou Penrod
And you know in your daily interactions, I have found that sometimes it is helpful just to assume that everyone you meet is doing the best they can rather than getting upset with them and, “I wouldn’t have done it that way. How dare they?” Just accept that, maybe that’s just where they are right now, rather than letting that negative energy get into you,

Dorie Olds
I think that’s a great thing. A great idea, having that focus, everyone is doing the best they can in the moment. This moment, right now they are doing the best they can. And just realizing that that’s their best right now.

Emmalou Penrod
Especially for children, sometimes we want top performance right now and it might take a while.

Dorie Olds
It might take a while. Well, I think the best thing for children is to let them know they have worth. They are worthwhile. They have value, and they are loved. That’s what those children need is to know that even though, again, even though this is happening, I love you, I’ll always love you, unconditional love. And I may not like what just happened and I love you.

Emmalou Penrod
Yes, parents have that role of, they are programming their child’s subconscious mind. We talk about a lot of what we do now is based on memories of experiences we had as children. And those adults, were programming our subconscious, and now we’re programming our children’s. And I agree with you, let’s fill them with love. Let’s remind them of what they did well, what their potential is, help them find what they’re good at, and teach them to believe in themselves.

Dorie Olds
Yeah, when I learned hypnosis, I was a single mom with four kids and the kids were older at that point. And I wished I could have done a Time Machine and gone back and redid it, do a redo of my parenting as I realized how powerful that is. And I know I have helped them. And I know there are moments when I really was able to be with them and in a good, in a positive way. And I think that’s important for parents to be able to do that. Each child is in that family for a reason. Each parent is in that family for a reason. And I look at, what can that child teach me? What can I teach the child? It goes both ways. It isn’t just one way and there’s reasons why you’re together.

Emmalou Penrod
And we can’t change the past. We can’t go back and redo history. So let’s just moving forward. Just move forward with faith, with hope, with love. And choose to be happy.

Dorie Olds
Yes. And you can’t change the past necessarily, but you can change how you see it. You can change how you feel about it. Forget. And having acknowledging those who need acknowledgement, yes. And you can have you can look at it in a neutral or a happy way. You’re right. You can be happy. I totally agree with that.

Emmalou Penrod
Or forgive yourself and know that you were doing the best you could at that time.

Dorie Olds
Yeah, I think, knowing that you were doing the best you could in the moment and forgive yourself. That’s really, that’s really an important tool. Forgiveness is a really. . .

Emmalou Penrod
All right. So, have we covered all the spokes in our wheel?

Dorie Olds
Well, I think there’s many more. Maybe the listeners may discover those that are right for them in the moment. And that’s all I have to talk about.

Emmalou Penrod
Yes, yes. I agree. I’m still learning new things. We’re still learning more tools, more fine tuning. That’s the whole excitement of life is just making each day better than the day before and becoming the best version of myself, the best possible me.

Dorie Olds
Yes. Yeah, totally. Yes. Yes. Be the best possible me and we are here to grow and expand. So there’s always going to be more and being able to look at that and be excited by it and say, “What is this going to bring me now? What learning? What experience?” Because we have we all have that growing edge.

Emmalou Penrod
Yep. Well, Dorie, I have enjoyed this so much. I have loved doing this series with you. You are fascinating to talk to. I love everything you’ve learned and thank you so much for your time.

Dorie Olds
You’re very welcome. And I appreciate you and all of your experience and your wisdom.

Emmalou Penrod
All right, well, you have a great day.

Dorie Olds
You, too.


Tools for Your Journey

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