Whether you are the head of a major corporation, a small business, a classroom or a family, you want to get the highest level of participation from your team. Dr. Timothy Clark explains how understanding and protecting psychological safety can
Whole Body Mentoring
What is the best way to take care of your body? Kristi Corless is well qualified to answer that question. With 10 different health related certifications and a strong background in the effective use of essential oils, she is
Positive Parenting, Overcoming Challenges Together
It is common for a family to go through challenges. That is the one constant families can count on. The list of challenges the Maylins have had to face are similar to any other family, but their response to them
Consecrated Life Project
What is the best way to live your life? If you are a Christian, it is to center it around Jesus Christ. To love and serve as He did. Livia Pewtress is doing that and encouraging others to do
House Guests from Hell
How do you deal with an overwhelming family challenge? One solution is to design a board game. Peter Pritchett talks about the game his family designed. It was his mother’s response to a crisis her family was facing that was